Big shoutouts to Canna

I would like to thank @Canna for the help he gave me. 1 month ago i bricked my switch with the fake SX crack payload (don't even comment on that) and thought there was no way to recover without a RAW 1:1 NAND backup (which i deleted to save space) and only keep partitions except USER and my bis keys.

So i sended my console to repair (knowing i would have to pay) so i had to wait 10 fcking days for it to get at nintendo plus 5 days to get an answer ...
At least they did not refuse to repair it .. but asked me €240.
In Hacdiskmount when i tested my keys it would say 'fail' even tho i was sure they were correct so i was like i screwed really hard.
And because i had posted in a thread saying i bricked, Canna wanted to help me recovering the brick with what i backed up. So he did go into all the python trouble (and my PC being in french lol), i just got my switch back today and he helped me to get everything up and running again.
So he saved me 240€ and i can use them to other things than growing Nintendo's capitalism (yes i don't like this system but we're not here to start a debate)
Again big thanks to him and always keep a rawnand.bin backup of your console guys. And that's a proof we don't even need rawnand to recover from that payload brick.
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I am sure that you could send him a PM thanking him, or at least post your message in the fake SXOS crack thread.

Was it really necessary to make a thread?

As least post what you did to recover the switch, so that more people can have a chance at recovering too.
I would like to thank @Canna for the help he gave me. 1 month ago i bricked my switch with the fake SX crack payload (don't even comment on that) and thought there was no way to recover without a RAW 1:1 NAND backup (which i deleted to save space) and only keep partitions except USER and my bis keys.

So i sended my console to repair (knowing i would have to pay) so i had to wait 10 fcking days for it to get at nintendo plus 5 days to get an answer ...
At least they did not refuse to repair it .. but asked me €240.
In Hacdiskmount when i tested my keys it would say 'fail' even tho i was sure they were correct so i was like i screwed really hard.
And because i had posted in a thread saying i bricked, Canna wanted to help me recovering the brick with what i backed up. So he did go into all the python trouble (and my PC being in french lol), i just got my switch back today and he helped me to get everything up and running again.
So he saved me 240€ and i can use them to other things than growing Nintendo's capitalism (yes i don't like this system but we're not here to start a debate)
Again big thanks to him and always keep a rawnand.bin backup of your console guys. And that's a proof we don't even need rawnand to recover from that payload brick.
You could send him some $$$ for his time. buy him a coffe or something, 20 bucks would be nothing compared to the 240 you were going to trow away being your fault.
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I am sure that you could send him a PM thanking him, or at least post your message in the fake SXOS crack thread.

Was it really necessary to make a thread?

As least post what you did to recover the switch, so that more people can have a chance at recovering too.
I just really wanted to thank him ^^
So my switch was stuck at the logo and the partitions i backed up were recovered and it has the effect of a factory reset i believe
You could send him some $$$ for his time. buy him a coffe or something, 20 bucks would be nothing compared to the 240 you were going to trow away being your fault.
I'm not on my own so i can't really do anything, and my parents don't have a paypal, but if i were on my own sure thing i would have sent 40 or 50€
You could send him to $$$ for his time. buy him a coffe or something, 20 bucks would be nothing compared to the 240 you were going to trow away being your fault.

Yeah would be reasonable but his profile says that he's 16 so i don't believe that he has a job. I'm 14 and i couldn't even afford just these 20€.

I only get irregular money by helping older peole. Mostly 12€ a month or something like that.
Yeah would be reasonable but his profile says that he's 16 so i don't believe that he has a job. I'm 14 and i couldn't even afford just these 20€.

I only get irregular money by some mini jobs i do
Yeah not lying on that, i'm 16 and don't have a job
not trying to be rude or anything, but $20 bucks, from a walmart gift card can do, just take in consideration that even though most people do this for fun, you could always surprise someone with an extra coffe, your parents would have to spend $240 euros, perhaps, telling them to mail 20 bucks to someone> or hell, even a gift card to that person lol.
not trying to be rude or anything, but $20 bucks, from a walmart gift card can do, just take in consideration that even though most people do this for fun, you could always surprise someone with an extra coffe, your parents would have to spend $240 euros, perhaps, telling them to mail 20 bucks to someone> or hell, even a gift card to that person lol.
Huh not my parents would have to spend 240, me ...
I don't understand, how did he unbrick it? Nintendo wanted to charge 240 for repair? Even for just a brick? Don't they usually just swap them?
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He unbrick it with some magic. He created a rawnand with my partitions and reinjected them into the file as a test (so the keys were working) and then did that on the swich.
And yes they wanted 240 because i hacked it
Back in Wii days they also charged like 200€ for an unbrick. It's like a fee for hacking the console.

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  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    whats the link to therealtech? is for sale and does not exist.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I made an EU account just to buy the original version of Until Dawn, as it includes the pre-order bonus chapter. The US version does not include it, nor offer it for sale as DLC. Was pre-order only in the US.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea that site, sorry I miss typed before.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    This is from 2018. How long ago did you play? Maybe it doesn't even work anymore.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    I still kinda lean towards it never existing in the first place. The other site is a simple save file and wouldn't do anything for perks as they are server side.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    Anyway. Going to lay down. Still sick as hell. Hope you're able to find what you're looking for if it exists. But also remember, no one likes cheaters online except other cheaters. Please don't cheat online.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I wish when they shut down the servers, they would of unlocked all the perks for everyone, cause you can't play to earn them anymore.
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    i think the dns allows you too
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Then there you go, gotta get gud.
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    honestly i wonder if its a save file that gives them god mode and speed hacks in f13
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    or like i said is it modded perks?
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    It's been like 7 years. If there's only this extremely tiny amount of info about it anywhere online... I call bogus. Just my opinion. IF it existed it would most likely be readily available like cheats and hacks for other games.
  • RedColoredStars @ RedColoredStars:
    But best of luck. Off to sleep.
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    theres youtube videos of people using it but alr
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    alr gn
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its also not available at all on Switch either, so yea think its totally server side
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    yea maybe but the infnite pocket knifes and sprays
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    makes it modded perks
  • Xcoticzz @ Xcoticzz:
    so how are they doing that?
  • CoolMe @ CoolMe:
    how well?
    CoolMe @ CoolMe: how well?