What makes me wonder?
Let me explain who I am..
I am Raestloz(not the real name), an 18 years old college student (my birthday was 15th this month), and is quite healthy.
I'm skinny, not like what women consider skinny, but skinny at the point I can see my veins and the shape of my bones pretty clearly.
I'm quite intelligent, but not to the point women will stick around me, I'm average at best, average as in "medium-high" in security measurements
I'm not good with arts, although I respect it a lot
I like military things.
My face is not that good, thanks to being skinny, although naturally, I'm kinda good-looking, if I'm not skinny
I'm not a muscle guy
I know no fighting skills
I'm not cool, I'm "cold", not to the extent ignoring people, but I don't like starting useless conversation, and I don't like starting conv. with somebody I don't know, even if they know me.
I'm a straightforward guy usually, If I do go somewhere, I actually have something to do there, once I do what I have to, I leave that place at once. Still about that, I usually blurt everything that comes to mind, rash or not, however, there're several cases where I actually think before talking
I slouch, although I don't usually realize it, but somehow my mom said it's improving, and I do feel I'm an inch taller, 2 inches when I actually straighten my body
I'm not somebody who would like to threaten somebody else, in other words, a peace-loving person, don't like starting fights, don't like involved in fights, don't want to go near people who likes to fight
I'v got self-consciousness fo most things, tahnks to being raised in a normal family with normal economy for the past 7 years, another 11 years? kinda por but we managed somehow
I dont like vegetables and seafood, in other words, I'm a carnivore literally
I'm not funny at all, thanks to being emotionless most of the time
I'm a God-fearing person, and believes in 4 religions....
I'm not a social person, however, I trust my best friends with my heart, never will I betray, never will I be betrayed
I've never been in an outstanding situation
I do like ecchi stuff
I'm not from a rich family
I do like games, like it VERY MUCH even
I like mangas just recently, and is crazy about it right now
I'm wearing glasses, and they're not clear anymore
I'm not a fashionista
I have no athletic ability
I'm tall, almost 2 metres high (190 cm) and skiny, which makes me TOO tall...
I like Japan culture very much, and adore Americans, especially their monotonic and regular lifestyle
I've got little, if not no, female friends
So, what is it that I'm ranting about?
Why do I ask I'm normal or not?
My friend asked: "Hey, do you like girls at all?"
"What makes you say that?" I asked back, and he said "Well, it's just that you have no reaction at all towards girls... and I never actually see you hanging out with a girl"
"True..." I said, deep in my heart
I've never felt any feelings towards girls, no matter how beautiful they are. I do adore them, at the point of saying "Look, that girl's a beauty", but nothing more, I don't lust for them, neither do I fantasize about seeing them naked, or staring at their chest of thighs, or thinking about me going out with them
Sure, sometimes I think about "what if I'm popular?" But I never actually think about "popular with who?" and when I think about it, it's blank......
I've looked at many beautiful girls, yet I don't feel like "oh, if only I can reach them" the only thought that crossed my mind is a process of identifying the creature that is in my line of vision, and then with the GPU attached to my brain visualize its shape, what it is wearing, the face, and that's that, no ecchi thoughts come and spend some time
Sure, I got aroused when I saw those xxx vidoes, but that's that, should the video over, so does the xxx mind inside my brain
I've got some male friends, and I gotta say this to you: I'm NOT a gay.
And I think again... if have no affection towards girls, am I normal? Am I a male? Or just a being with male physique but neutral heart?
What will become of my family's line? Will it end on me just like Leonardo da Vinci or Michaelangelo?
Really... what am I??
All my friends, no matter who, AT LEAST went crazy about girls, but when they talk about topics like that, I'm not really interested. And most of them has at least got a girlfriend, once... only I being the last one left behind... I wonder why?
What happened?
If any of you guys or gals got annoyed by this rant, then sorry for ranting.....
Let me explain who I am..
I am Raestloz(not the real name), an 18 years old college student (my birthday was 15th this month), and is quite healthy.
I'm skinny, not like what women consider skinny, but skinny at the point I can see my veins and the shape of my bones pretty clearly.
I'm quite intelligent, but not to the point women will stick around me, I'm average at best, average as in "medium-high" in security measurements
I'm not good with arts, although I respect it a lot
I like military things.
My face is not that good, thanks to being skinny, although naturally, I'm kinda good-looking, if I'm not skinny
I'm not a muscle guy
I know no fighting skills
I'm not cool, I'm "cold", not to the extent ignoring people, but I don't like starting useless conversation, and I don't like starting conv. with somebody I don't know, even if they know me.
I'm a straightforward guy usually, If I do go somewhere, I actually have something to do there, once I do what I have to, I leave that place at once. Still about that, I usually blurt everything that comes to mind, rash or not, however, there're several cases where I actually think before talking
I slouch, although I don't usually realize it, but somehow my mom said it's improving, and I do feel I'm an inch taller, 2 inches when I actually straighten my body
I'm not somebody who would like to threaten somebody else, in other words, a peace-loving person, don't like starting fights, don't like involved in fights, don't want to go near people who likes to fight
I'v got self-consciousness fo most things, tahnks to being raised in a normal family with normal economy for the past 7 years, another 11 years? kinda por but we managed somehow
I dont like vegetables and seafood, in other words, I'm a carnivore literally
I'm not funny at all, thanks to being emotionless most of the time
I'm a God-fearing person, and believes in 4 religions....
I'm not a social person, however, I trust my best friends with my heart, never will I betray, never will I be betrayed
I've never been in an outstanding situation
I do like ecchi stuff
I'm not from a rich family
I do like games, like it VERY MUCH even
I like mangas just recently, and is crazy about it right now
I'm wearing glasses, and they're not clear anymore
I'm not a fashionista
I have no athletic ability
I'm tall, almost 2 metres high (190 cm) and skiny, which makes me TOO tall...
I like Japan culture very much, and adore Americans, especially their monotonic and regular lifestyle
I've got little, if not no, female friends
So, what is it that I'm ranting about?
Why do I ask I'm normal or not?
My friend asked: "Hey, do you like girls at all?"
"What makes you say that?" I asked back, and he said "Well, it's just that you have no reaction at all towards girls... and I never actually see you hanging out with a girl"
"True..." I said, deep in my heart
I've never felt any feelings towards girls, no matter how beautiful they are. I do adore them, at the point of saying "Look, that girl's a beauty", but nothing more, I don't lust for them, neither do I fantasize about seeing them naked, or staring at their chest of thighs, or thinking about me going out with them
Sure, sometimes I think about "what if I'm popular?" But I never actually think about "popular with who?" and when I think about it, it's blank......
I've looked at many beautiful girls, yet I don't feel like "oh, if only I can reach them" the only thought that crossed my mind is a process of identifying the creature that is in my line of vision, and then with the GPU attached to my brain visualize its shape, what it is wearing, the face, and that's that, no ecchi thoughts come and spend some time
Sure, I got aroused when I saw those xxx vidoes, but that's that, should the video over, so does the xxx mind inside my brain
I've got some male friends, and I gotta say this to you: I'm NOT a gay.
And I think again... if have no affection towards girls, am I normal? Am I a male? Or just a being with male physique but neutral heart?
What will become of my family's line? Will it end on me just like Leonardo da Vinci or Michaelangelo?
Really... what am I??
All my friends, no matter who, AT LEAST went crazy about girls, but when they talk about topics like that, I'm not really interested. And most of them has at least got a girlfriend, once... only I being the last one left behind... I wonder why?
What happened?
If any of you guys or gals got annoyed by this rant, then sorry for ranting.....