So another day, another Bassnectar concert, another evening of eating sandwiches.
70% of what I'm going to type may end up being incredibly stupid, but I shall type either way.
So I went to the Bassnectar/EOTO concert in Bloomington today.
It was incredibly amazing.
Incredible dubstep playing all night long.
After the concert a friend of mind DJ'd a partay.
It was equally as good.
(Maybe not quite as good, actually)
Went to eat a sandwich (From How I met Your Mother)
Back here.
Ate a couple bags of chips, drank an iced team.
Fucking good night.
Gotta love being in college.
Look forward to it, people... not in college.
Unless you've graduated, then you may wanna focus on the life part of it all, ya know.
But yeah.
Before I say something stupid, or make way too many spelling errors, I shall say so long.
70% of what I'm going to type may end up being incredibly stupid, but I shall type either way.
So I went to the Bassnectar/EOTO concert in Bloomington today.
It was incredibly amazing.
Incredible dubstep playing all night long.
After the concert a friend of mind DJ'd a partay.
It was equally as good.
(Maybe not quite as good, actually)
Went to eat a sandwich (From How I met Your Mother)
Back here.
Ate a couple bags of chips, drank an iced team.
Fucking good night.
Gotta love being in college.
Look forward to it, people... not in college.
Unless you've graduated, then you may wanna focus on the life part of it all, ya know.
But yeah.
Before I say something stupid, or make way too many spelling errors, I shall say so long.